Friday 8 June 2012


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Yaadan Aundian Jado'n Ikathe Rehnde Hunde c..

Kaun Maggie Zyada Khau, Naale Chhoti Jehi Chocolate Pichhe v Larhde Hunde c..

TV de channel Badlan Lai Kiwein Marde Hunde c..

Mummy Nu Shikayataa'n Laun layi Ik Duje Diyan Galtiyan Labhde Hunde c..

Ice-cream Fridge Cho Kine Kha Layi, Khali Packet Nu Vekh k Sarhde Hunde c..

School Bag Ch Roti Kihdi Bachi Vekh k Mummy Nu Dassde Hunde c..

Bhena Viyah To'n Baad Chale Jandiyan, Bas Yaadan Reh Jandiyan..

Assi Saare Janey Katheyan Kinniyan Maujaa'n Karde Hunde c.. :/


  1. These are really very cute statuses in Punjabi language.

  2. Getting Emotional dear to read this beautiful shayari
